Take the quiz: Which superhero from The Defenders are you?
We knew there’d be no better time to Netflix and chill when the entire series of Marvel’s The Defenders dropped on the streaming site last week. It’s the dream team all in one show: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. The crime-fighting quartet come together to save New York City from villains, vapid Upper East Siders, and velcro shoes (okay, we threw the last one in there in the name of good taste). If you have, like us, binge-watched the entire first series of The Defenders and you’re still reeling from a superhero high, then take our quiz to find out which character you are. Do you possess the strength of Jessica Jones or amplified senses of Daredevil? You’ll soon find out.

Luke Cage
You’re seen as the cool guy in the group, only because you’re, well, pretty damn cool. As Luke Cage, you’re a legend in Harlem. Similar to Jessica Jones, you have superhuman strength, but you’re almost invulnerable to all attacks. However, you use your superpowers only when absolutely necessary and, as much as possible, you try to stay out of fights. Kinda like a gentle giant. Kinda like your attitude to shopping. Less is definitely more. If you don’t need it, you won’t buy it. In a stressful situation? Methodic and chill AF. You’re the puzzle everyone wants to solve. Ever heard of the Push-Pull Effect? Yep, that’s you — because you’re so aloof and mysterious, others are attracted to you. That, and also because when you open up, you shock others with your confidence and humour.