Gucci holiday gifts 2017 ignasi monreal greek mythology
We’ll be honest. Yes, this quiz is aimed at matching you up with your Greek mythology soulmate. Then what? Shits and giggles aside, it’s more a convenient tool for you to wrangle a Gucci gift from a loved one this Christmas.
Before you go on a clicking frenzy, let us remind you: For someone to play Santa and shell out a cool couple of hundo on you during the holidays, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout… you know the drill. Which means, don’t go tagging that friend of a friend you’ve only met once but tipsily serenaded “baby I’m worth it, uh huh I’m worth it” to during karaoke on this quiz.
Instead, shout out to a close-knit circle of candidates spanning family and best buds. In spirit of and in collaboration with Gucci, find out which god or goddess you have an affinity with, and by relation, the presents you’re deserving of this Christmas.

Rainy night in or rainy day out? Trick question: Any reprieve from Singapore’s broiling heat is a win — one of the best things to come of the festive season that falls during monsoon season. While you feel affinity for the element most known to the god Poseidon, you’re also nursing the hots for someone in your life at the moment. Which is why…
For ladies: Go the extra mile to bring attention to yourself with tasteful bling on your Ace sneakers, headband or statement ring. Not by succumbing to a bodycon dress. News flash: It’s not 2010.
For men: There’s no subtler hint to get your crush to hit you up than by wearing a T-shirt with a phone number on it. Okay, it’s not your phone number, but that’s why we said subtle. Subliminal, even.