What kind of Singaporean are you?
Lets face it: Nobody likes to be pigeonholed. But that’s what makes Chinese zodiac and Greek astrology so fun — sometimes, you do need a bit of good-natured guidance. But because we’re so Singaporean, we’re doing away with horoscopes and highlighting our love ’em or hate ’em local personalities instead. Take our quiz to find your Singapore spirit animal and, in turn, what 2017 has in store for you.

The global citizen
Or third culture kid, or whatever you fancy pants are calling yourselves these days. Inventive, curious and always on the hunt for more, you don’t consider yourself the “typical” Singaporean — what with your overseas work stints and liberal arts education. In 2017, strike more things off your bucket list by investing in your first art piece at Singapore Contemporary Art Show this weekend, and look for furnishing finds at Singapore Design Week in March. Try to focus on what you already have as well, for your road to self-actualisation is less bumpy than you think.