What kind of Singaporean are you?
Lets face it: Nobody likes to be pigeonholed. But that’s what makes Chinese zodiac and Greek astrology so fun — sometimes, you do need a bit of good-natured guidance. But because we’re so Singaporean, we’re doing away with horoscopes and highlighting our love ’em or hate ’em local personalities instead. Take our quiz to find your Singapore spirit animal and, in turn, what 2017 has in store for you.

The Rilek Jack
You’re a rarity. The yes-man of the group, you make people feel at ease and enjoy going with the flow — heck, you’re all about that flow with your generous smiles. While it’s refreshing not to be a sh*t-stirrer, it’s also good to think about what you want to accomplish just for yourself this year. Sign up for a craft class or two — whether it’s leather play at Maketh Project, making your own bouquets at Ask A French Flowers or a photography class with Objectifs.