Studying fine arts exposed him to all facets of technique and history: Landscape, sculpture, oil painting and the works. "Sure, there's no direct link from a fine arts education to tattoos," he said. "But for me, tattoo art is about history. Like the stained glass you see in churches and cathedrals, you see the church as the body, the same way I see the body when I tattoo. First and foremost you have to respect the body, just as much as you respect the church and cathedral."
A perfectionist at heart (he's a Virgo, after all), Lin has never been quite satisfied with his works — even if they're good to go from his client's eyes. He's been given the utmost responsibility in inking a person's idols onto skin: Captain America, Salvador Dali, and even someone's late grandmother. "I always see where I could have done better," he shared. "But the client doesn't see what I see."
Lin's own personal Everest is ever so evolving. "What is perfection or success to me is always changing," he summed up.